Financial Services
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Medical Device Trading

Al Munshed Group – Medical Trading is committed to meet or exceed the high medical quality and safety requirements.

Architecture, Engineering

Almunshed Al-Arabi is the contracting and construction arm with civil engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering departments.

Financial Services

Almunshed financial provide a wide array of products designed to help operational and structural tasks of corporations and multinational agencies.

Contracts, Procurement

Almunshed have a proven track record in organising, implementing and completing contracts at local, National and International levels.

Representing a vital component in a critical infrastructure in our region today , a creative financial services meeting logistical , security and demographic difficulties of various natures can demonstrate a decisive role to the world relief efforts helping vulnerable segments of the community around the globe today, partnering with the world most active humanitarian aid operators , and the United Nations organizations and agencies , Al Munshed Group proudly serves a large scale of operations on hot spot ground in one of the most troubled areas and around the world with challenging but creative financial programs covering financial needs , salaries , operational critically needed budgets to keep the overloaded aid programs for refugees and displaced war victims .

AL Munshed Group with a message of providing financial services and corporate social responsibility is committed to:

  • Collaboration between valuable chain parts with low-cost service.
  • Services that benefit our clients with logistical and administrative functions.
  • Professional operational Central Management , with coordination , monitoring and evaluation mechanism to achieve optimums.
  • Problem Solving and risk management strategies & steps to adopt solutions for every day difficulty delivering the service whether to a large multifunction aid agency or a local neighborhood family.
  • Our financial services provide a broad array of products designed to help operational and structural tasks of corporates and multinational agencies with assets securely moved and transported with a skilled and dedicated staff bringing services that can reduced risks and operational hazards.